Empower Acceleration – Accelerate Empowerment

Empower Acceleration – Accelerate Empowerment

How can we continue and accelerate the digital transformation journey for our customers? The Microsoft Ignite keynote was scheduled on November 4th this year. A good time to see where Microsoft’s is heading next year. Many companies are struggling between tradition and innovation. They want to simplify complex and distributed environments while they are in

Digital Transformation Roadmap

Digital Transformation Roadmap

Microsoft has given further direction to the theme “Digital Transformation” during the Ignite 2017 convention. Almost every product or solution from Microsoft is linked to Digital Transformation. Whether it’s data and machine learning or more traditional core infrastructure solutions, they are all placed in the context of Digital Transformation. Microsoft is not the only vendor that

Digital Business Transformation

Digital Business Transformation

Gartner Survey Shows 42 Percent of CEOs Have Begun Digital Business Transformation (Gartner, 2017). But what is Digital (Business) Transformation? And why Digital Transformation? “In this age of continuous updates and always-on technology, hitting refresh may sound quaint, but still when it’s done right, when people and cultures re-create and refresh, a renaissance can be the

Microsoft Ignite 2017 Keynote

Microsoft Ignite 2017 Keynote

Orlando – September 25th 2017 – Orange County Convention Center – Satya Nadella Technical deep-dives, the latest innovation tools, and networking with the tech community: That’s the goal of Microsoft Ignite. The annual technical community event of Microsoft. This year in Orlando. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, urges everyone to click on ‘refresh’. It’s time